Rivadavia 379 CP.5000 Córdoba Capital
Telefono: 0351- 4255190
Nuestras Marcas

Catálogo de Productos

[Alternative text]

Rifle sistema NITRO PISTÓN GAMO G-MAGNUM 1250 Cal. 5,5mm Velocidad 1000 FPS con 15gr Base para mira telescópica que absorbe el retroceso Alza y guion con fibra óptica Alcance efectivo 50 mts INCLUYE MIRA TELESCOPICA SHILBA AIR MONSTER 3-9X40 GARANTIA DE ARMERIA RIVADAVIA

GAMO  G-MAGNUM 1250 USADO  0.22" (5.5mm)
Código: #1079
$ 660.000,00

Contado: $ 660.000,00

3 Cuotas: $ 226.600,00

6 Cuotas: $ 116.600,00

* Consultes otros planes de pago

Is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took...

Is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's...